Did you know that every time you sit down to a meal, you will make an important decision concerning your own future. What you eat and how you eat may determine how long you will live, and wether you will be sick or healthy. A lot of people who might enjoy reasonably good health are suffering from different kinds of illness. Most of them are neither sick nor well, they are just dragging themeselves around, how miserable! Some are not well enough to carry out their assigned task efficiently. In some cases the problem may be due to some parasites or hidden cause of illness which arises from wrong diet.
Many people are trying to search for some magic pill to help them out of their misery, but guys this is not the solution. A natural way would be far better if they will make a careful study and understanding on the laws of health and apply it in their own lives. On a certain study, it says that there are principles of good living. All forms of life wether plants or animals requires certain essential food elements in order to live and reproduce their own kind. These must be present in the diet and take them regularly in the right proportion or else one can never hope to enjoy good health.
Like all the higher animals, human body is composed of untold millions of living cells, all are very much alive carrying out their respective functions. Each cell must be fed and cared for otherwise it will never be able to do its function properly. So we must have a sensible diet. This is one of our most important decision in life. The choice is ours to make, we can blame no one else if we fail to use good sense.
Furthermore, the human body operates smoothly without any trouble for many years " if " we treat it well. It has the power to combat illness, fight diseases, and replace the worn out tissues with new living cells. What goes on in the body is truly amazing, yet if we fail to provide the right kind of food, the body will soon grow old and die. No magic pills will ever restore the lost vitality. We must therefore educate ourselves to choose the right kind of food we intake. However, we must put in mind that even though we choose the finest diet, it has the possibility to fail if our own attitude is faulty and full of gloom. As one famous saying says " A happy heart doeth good, like a medicine ", hence having a happy or optimistic views in life has a big role in keeping a better health. The whole body responds to the sheer joy of living. A bright philosophy gives us something worthwile to live for. In addition to that, " A broken spirit dried the bones " which is really true! A person who is unhappy, a pessimist one always looks at the negative side of things, resulting to depression and discouragement in everything he sees. Someone like that can never enjoy a good health. His unhappy attitude interferes with his digestion. It slows down his circulation, makes him nervous and restless, spoils his sleep, makes him skeptical and suspicious of others. All the vitamin pills and supplement will never make him happy.
Many people are trying to search for some magic pill to help them out of their misery, but guys this is not the solution. A natural way would be far better if they will make a careful study and understanding on the laws of health and apply it in their own lives. On a certain study, it says that there are principles of good living. All forms of life wether plants or animals requires certain essential food elements in order to live and reproduce their own kind. These must be present in the diet and take them regularly in the right proportion or else one can never hope to enjoy good health.
Like all the higher animals, human body is composed of untold millions of living cells, all are very much alive carrying out their respective functions. Each cell must be fed and cared for otherwise it will never be able to do its function properly. So we must have a sensible diet. This is one of our most important decision in life. The choice is ours to make, we can blame no one else if we fail to use good sense.
Furthermore, the human body operates smoothly without any trouble for many years " if " we treat it well. It has the power to combat illness, fight diseases, and replace the worn out tissues with new living cells. What goes on in the body is truly amazing, yet if we fail to provide the right kind of food, the body will soon grow old and die. No magic pills will ever restore the lost vitality. We must therefore educate ourselves to choose the right kind of food we intake. However, we must put in mind that even though we choose the finest diet, it has the possibility to fail if our own attitude is faulty and full of gloom. As one famous saying says " A happy heart doeth good, like a medicine ", hence having a happy or optimistic views in life has a big role in keeping a better health. The whole body responds to the sheer joy of living. A bright philosophy gives us something worthwile to live for. In addition to that, " A broken spirit dried the bones " which is really true! A person who is unhappy, a pessimist one always looks at the negative side of things, resulting to depression and discouragement in everything he sees. Someone like that can never enjoy a good health. His unhappy attitude interferes with his digestion. It slows down his circulation, makes him nervous and restless, spoils his sleep, makes him skeptical and suspicious of others. All the vitamin pills and supplement will never make him happy.
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