Dieting is the very basic to most people who are overweight. They tried this not just once or twice but a lot more. Some are so upset at what other people are saying about them that they will go without food entirely for a short time, only to go back to their former habits of over eating the moment the urge has passed. Doing such extremes rarely does any permanent good. The only solution is a completely new pattern of living and self discipline.
Here are simple ways that can help
1. Eat smaller quantities of food - eat a balance diet, but cut out all rich desserts you like so much, these are high in calories. You can well do without these, but just be sure to include reasonably amount of potatoes and whole grain cereals in the diet for these are essential to health. Avoid all foods that has high dose of fats like ice creams, pastry, rich cakes, and candies of all kinds.
3. Careful about left overs - many people specially those who stays at home or say the housewives for instance hate to see food being thrown out, so they usually eat it that is why they put on weight. The best thing is to prepare fairly amount of food to avoid leftover.
4. Avoid nibbling between meals - train yourself to get along on less foods. Soon you will enjoy living on a reduced but healthy diet. You will be surprised how well you feel.
5. Exercise - taken everyday will help you use extra calories. The best one is just simply walking.

6. Eat food rich in vitamins and minerals - such as lettuce, celery, greens, tomatoes and carrots. These foods are low in calories but high in vitamins and minerals.
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